Discover Everything You Need To Know To Become a World Class Praise & Worship Guitarist, Even If You're Currently Struggling To Grow Your Worship Guitar Skills…
Hi, I'm Charl and this is a 1985 Mesa Boogie Mark III Amplifier...

And in a matter of minutes, you'll discover why this old valve amp...

Is the SECRET to you developing your worship guitar skills...

I know that sounds really weird, so keep reading so you can unravel the puzzle...

By simply reading this article, all the way to the end, you'll also discover...

The number 1 KILLER when it comes to growing your God given gifts and talents...

So you can freely play across the whole neck...

...with total confidence and creativity to release YOUR unique expression of worship...

And why you must AVOID this killer at all costs...

(Note: this is a mistake even PROS makes, and it will ruin your chances...

To grow into the guitarist you've been destined to become! PLUS...

How to put together powerful practice sessions...

Where you improve each time you sit down with the guitar...

Even if you're short on time or don't know where you should focus your efforts...

You'll also discover...

The top 5 THINGS you must AVOID if you want to unlock the fretboard...

And accelerate your worship guitar skills even if you're brand new to worship guitar...

Or even if you've been stuck in a rut for years...

I don't know how much longer I'll have this page up...

So read it right now, while you still can...

Breakthroughs often happen when you think you've tried it all and seen it all...

Yet I can guarantee that you've NEVER seen anything like what I'm about to reveal to you today...

And 1 tip in particular will totally SHOCK you...

It's my absolute favourite and it's near the end, so keep reading...

I'm about to reveal an approach to developing your worship guitar skills...

That's totally unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age...

Remember: I'm about to share some little known tips with you today on...

How to get "unstuck" and turbo-charge your worship guitar skills and...

Even more little-known tips to finding your unique voice on the guitar...

First, however, I'm going to share a rather embarrassing story with you...

This will not only renew your hope...

It might just change the way you look at worship guitar forever...

So keep reading to the end...

Deal? Before we begin, let me assure you...

I Wasn't Always This Go-to Guitar Coach
When It Comes To Worship Guitar…

In fact, I was anything BUT… I remember this as if it were yesterday, May 23rd, 2001...

It was really hot that summer...

I was always in shorts and a t-shirt just to keep cool...

I was wearing my favorite pair of board shorts that day that I bought while on tour...

I was with my best friend Chris and here we were in...

The heart of Johannesburg, South Africa, of all places...

And to be honest, I was pretty excited and feelings of anticipation were running through me like a river...

Now, the story you're about to hear is pretty bad in places but this was the experience...

That led me from being an average guitar player to an expert worship guitarist and I think you want that, too...

However, even though I knew I was ready for a change...

I needed one more thing to really push me over the edge and get me to move from mediocre to master guitarist...

So Chris and I pulled into the parking lot of a famous studio that recorded some of the country's best Praise & Worship artists...

You see a friend knew the producer and convinced him to book me for a recording session...

I still remember walking into the old school studio and seeing all the gold and platinum records on the wall...

I even remember how the carpets smelled...

After I had all my gear set up the producer asked me to pull up a specific tone...

No matter how much I tweaked my Mesa Boogie amp, I just couldn't get the sound he asked for...

I saw the producer talking to the artist and the sound engineer and even though I couldn't hear what they were saying...

I knew it wasn't good...

And then it happened...

The engineer walked into the recording booth and let me know that unfortunately we won't be recording that day...

And that I need to go and work on my tone if I ever want to work in the studio...

I felt like I had hit rock bottom... and that I had failed to live up to the expectations of my friends...

I felt like a total failure...

At that very instant, I drew a line in the sand, and decided to change my life forever...

"I would never, EVER be in a position where I'm not able to deliver the goods again!"

Not long after that I gave up my professional touring career as hired gun guitarist...

And moved to London, UK to get a BMus Hons degree in Popular Music Performance...

And started a one of a kind website for learning modern worship guitar skills online, and...

I Discovered a Formula That Works
EVERY Time, For Anyone At Any Age...

Today, I'm going to share it with you, and save you the hassles and years of effort...

It took me to hone this Formula into perfection... so keep reading...

Keep in mind that, even though today I've been very successful helping folks like you...

Develop your talents and God given gifts, I'm EXACTLY like you are in so many ways...

I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step Formula for the average person...

Like you and me to see massive results when it comes to developing your worship guitar skills...

This is a Formula that allows people just like us real, everyday guys and girls... to:

Enjoy developing their worship guitar skills so they can...

Achieve and experience more fun and freedom on the guitar...

And finally earn the confidence and competence you desire...

And gain the respect you deserve... each and every time you pick up your guitar...

This is the Formula I use and teach to guitarists like you to demystify the fretboard...

Develop rock solid technique and to simplify music theory so you can finally know why things work the way they do...

And it's the same exact Formula I'll be sharing with you today...

So you can finally experience results like these for yourself!

Yes, I'll be covering all the details of my discovery with you in just a moment, however, first…

The first thing I have to WARN you to do is...

Avoid thinking that the solution to your problem is better gear or more guitar lessons...

Most people believe that new gear or practicing for hours on end is actually a good thing...

However, this isn't true...

It's only GOOD to do once you have a solid foundation in place...

If you don't avoid this, you will experience more of the same...

Think of it like this:

If You Keep Doing The Same Things, You'll Keep Getting The Same Old Boring Results...

Or if you keep thinking that the answer is more gear then the solution will always keep eluding you...

Because there's always going to be new and better gear...

Here's what you do instead...

Focus on the essential elements required to master modern worship guitar...

Discover the areas you're weak in and then put V.A.M.P The 4D Practicing Protocol to work...

Just following this tip alone, will allow you to experience the rapid growth...

And the freedom you desire and deserve on the guitar...


You'll have supreme confidence in your ability to skillfully and confidently play your guitar...

That's not all: you'll also discover how to release YOUR unique sound...

The benefits of this powerful practice protocol continue to astound me...

And the thousands I've given it to...

Now, How Would You Like To Actually ENJOY Improving Faster By Practicing Less?

By discovering how to properly practice, you'll experience faster growth...

Using the V.A.M.P 4D Practicing Protocol a.k.a "Multi Sensory Learning"...

Think of it this way: When you follow a 1 dimensional learning process...

Then you're only getting 25% of the information working for you...

However when you use my V.A.M.P 4D Practicing Protocol

You're getting 4 times the power working for you...

If you want to experience more fun and freedom in your worship guitar playing, here's what you do:

Once you've uncovered the elements that are keeping you from improving your worship guitar skills...

Use the V.A.M.P 4D Practicing Protocol...

Too many guitarists only use one or two of these at a time, which is why it's no wonder they remain stuck in a rut...

When you discover the secret to actually ENJOYING the process of practicing using this 4 dimensional approach...

It leads to rapid and permanent progress, PLUS...

Your friends and bandmates will be STUNNED when they see you...

Effortlessly achieving total and complete freedom on the guitar when they still act as if it's a death sentence...

Not to mention the impact you'll be making in your congregation...

Through creating moments where people can have powerful and life changing encounters with God...

Enjoying the journey is the key to staying on the path, and this simple strategy will get you there fast...

And, It's About To Get Even Better...

…because now I'll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to refining your worship guitar skills:

Just be WARNED: Without applying this tip to your practicing strategy...

You can virtually forget about succeeding and improving...

This is THE most important tip of all...

And, it's the simple strategy that gives you the freedom of enjoying playing across the whole neck...

With total confidence and creativity so you can release your unique expression of worship...

And, GET THIS...

This tip puts you on success "auto pilot" on your way to becoming the guitarist you were meant and destined to become...

As you near-effortlessly move toward mastery of your instrument specifically as it relates to modern worship guitar!

This is the ultimate worship guitar skills accelerator and the best of the best use this, and now so will you...

I Call It My Worship Guitar Skills Formula...

[FB + (HM + ML) + RH + AU + T3] x PR = WGS

Here's what you do...

The Formula I've uncovered and perfected over the years, which I'm about to reveal to you...

Gives you the exact roadmap to rapid skill acquisition PLUS:

Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER this powerful Worship Guitar Skills Formula...

See the shock and surprise in the eyes of your friends, family, and band members as you go from...

Struggling to MASTERING your playing in record time...

On top of it all, you'll also save money, time and hassle all while making a massive impact...

Let's break it down quick...

The following elements are the essential building blocks of worship guitar mastery...

And most people who are stuck in a rut, playing far below their ability and desire...

Have neglected one or more of these essential elements.

Let me break it down real quick...

[FB + (HM + ML) + RH + AU + T3] x PR = WGS

You need to unlock the FRETBOARD so know exactly where to find the notes and how they're all connected...

This is the 1st Dimension I call the Visual Connection...

Next up, there's HARMONY which is how we take the individual notes and create...

Modern worship ready chord voicings that cuts through the mix and makes a massive impact...

These types of chords and voicings are very different to your typical blues, jazz and rock chords...

Next up is MELODY. This is where you will use the potent melodic math method to...

Use the single notes to play powerfully musical and tasteful lead lines and fills...

Next we have RHYTHM...

Once you know the chord shapes and melodic patterns, rhythm is what brings your chords and notes to life...

So many guitar players neglect to develop their rhythm skills which is why their playing is boring, dull and lifeless...

Next we have AU which stands for AURAL...

This is the 2nd Dimension of the V.A.M.P method which is all about...

Developing your aural skills so you can easily play what you hear in your head... PLUS!

You won't be a slave to chord charts or get stuck whenever the band goes off script...

Up next is the T3 element which stands for TONE, THEORY and TECHNIQUE...

There's only a handful of tones you need to master for modern worship and...

Once you know these tone recipes, getting "that" sound becomes so much easier...

Then there's the 3rd Dimension of Mental Understanding which is...

Learning the specific types of theory you need, so you know exactly why and how things work the way they do...

And finally we have the 4th Dimension of developing technique that you can trust...

So you can freely play without the fear of messing up...

And the final element in the Formula is PRACTICING the right way...

Using the V.A.M.P 4 Dimensional Practicing Protocol to permanently program...

All these concepts and techniques into your muscle memory...

So you can maximize your God given gifts, talents and opportunities...

And ALL of this is happening in your life simply because you NOW know The Formula...

These proven success tactics, and SO much more, are yours for the taking starting today...

Wow that was a lot of information...

You may be feeling a tad overwhelmed at this point, and that's perfectly okay...

You're At a Crossroads...

Essentially, you have 2 choices and regardless, you will choose one of the two today...

Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and...

Try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without any assistance...

Who knows?

You may do just fine without any hand-holding or coaching, other than these tips if you took perfect notes sure...

You'll be on your own, but it's "possible"...

Or, there's the smarter choice: the really savvy guitar players take to...

Speed up their progress toward modern worship guitar mastery...

This is the quickest, fastest, and smartest way possible to achieve modern worship guitar mastery...

WITHOUT spending $1000's on gear or practicing for months or years on end...

Why risk failure and frustration trying to figure all of this out by yourself, when I've done the hard work FOR you?

I've put in the decades of research and...

Put together The Formula to mastering modern worship guitar, all with folks like you in mind...

My Worship Guitar Skills formula has a legion of raving fans, because I've tested, perfected and...

Honed this system down to a work of art and I guarantee it will work for you...

I've Packaged This One-of-a-kind System Into The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit...

Hi, I'm Charl Coetzee the creator of The WGS Toolkit that will show you...

How To Become A Confident and Competent Worship Guitarist Explained In Easy-to-Understand Step-by-Step Detail And Everything You Need To Know All In One Place...

This radically simple yet effective worship guitar skills system will work for you, EVEN IF you...

  • Come from blues or rock background...
  • Or if you're moving from acoustic to electric...
  • Or if you've started directly with electric guitar playing worship... And:
  • Even if you're short on time and don't want to spend $1000's on gear...
  • OR even if you THINK you've tried everything...

Before I tell you what The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit is, I need to tell you what it ISN'T, so there's no false expectations...

The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit is NOT a list of useless chords, scales and other filler information...

That might look impressive but always fails to deliver the goods...

Listen: You've been lied to enough...

It's time to put away the guitar gimmicks and start using the real deal, fair?

Rather, The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit is the direct result of over 28 years of study, and...

Years of digging through the trenches to find what REALLY works...

I Deconstructed Modern Worship Guitar Skills And I've Uncovered These Hidden Patterns...

…And unique (sometimes 'odd') tactics which allows me to easily and almost effortlessly transfer...

Crucial knowledge to anyone, no matter their age, level or experience...

So they can maximize their God given gifts and potential in the shortest amount of time...

And, from this moment forward, you will have access to the tools to replicate that same level of success!

The techniques, "do this next" strategies, and the "avoid THIS" lessons are now yours to replicate... and that means:

Having the freedom to...

  • Unlock the fretboard and accelerate your worship guitar skills...
  • Even if you're brand new to worship guitar or even if you've been stuck in a rut for years...
  • How to go from frustration to freedom on the fretboard by making new and vital visual connections...
  • How to develop your ear into a finely tuned weapon so you can finally play what you hear and...
  • Unleash your voice and creativity on the guitar...
  • How to finally understand how everything works so you can compose your own parts and...
  • Powerfully flow in free worship and express your musical ideas and heart of worship...
  • How to make the mind to muscle connection so you can transfer everything from head knowledge to your hands and fingers so your playing can happen on autopilot...
  • How to experience WAY MORE fun and WAY LESS frustration...

Once you discover HOW to supercharge your growth with the V.A.M.P 4D Practicing Protocol

Allowing you to achieve total freedom, creativity and command on the guitar...

Quicker and far easier than you've ever dreamed possible...

Listen: I've gotta be totally honest with you, so there's nothing left to chance...

If you're looking for yet another set of lessons you'll never get through...

Or advice that sounds good but never integrated into your own playing?

You know what I mean and let's just be honest: these are not solutions...

They are train wrecks waiting to happen, and you KNOW they don't work...

If that's you, and I'm trusting it's not, then you need to leave this website right now...

This is for guitar players who are ready to stop looking for "miracles" and...

Start ensuring breakthrough results...

What I've done is make The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit as easy as humanly possible...

So while mastering modern worship guitar isn't "easy"

(nothing worthwhile is), THIS makes it more of a snap!

So, if you're like most folks reading this, and you're 100% ready for REAL answers...

And real results to developing your worship guitar skills, here's what you're going to receive...

So, if you really want to...

  • Discover The Strategies And Shortcuts You Can Use To Accelerate Your Progress...
  • Finally Figure Out The Fretboard So You Can Freely And Confidently Play Across The Whole Neck...
  • Develop your aural ability so you can play by ear and compose "Perfect Fit" parts on the fly...
  • Develop Your Ear To Become More Tasteful And Responsive In A Range Of Musical Scenarios...
  • Easily Learn The Theory That Unlocks Your Rapid Growth And Finally Connects All The Missing Dots...
  • Know your theory so well that you're no longer left in the dark so you can easily and quickly...
  • Transpose songs and parts on the fly and freely improvise during free worship...
  • How To Master Your Tone Without Having To Buy Expensive New Gear...
  • How To Develop Technique That You Can Trust So You Can Play Without The Fear Of Messing Up...
  • Meaning you will drastically improve your playing by levelling up your technique, So you never get stuck in a frustrating guitar growth plateau again....
  • How To Maximize Your Practice Sessions So You Can Make Meaningful Progress In The Time You Have Available...

Then The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit Isn't Just "a" Solution For You. It's The ONLY Solution For You...

Just LOOK at what you'll receive today inside The Worship Guitar Skills Academy...

In the HD video lessons, you'll discover the secret behind the Worship Guitar Skills Formula, AND...

The Specifics of the V.A.M.P 4D Practicing Protocol...

As you've probably noticed by now, The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit is by far the Easiest and Fastest worship guitar mastery video training available on the market today...

And that gives you the freedom to experience the joy and peace of knowing...

That you've made the most of your God given gifts, talents and opportunities...

And it goes without saying that THIS makes your life so MUCH easier...

Here's what I mean...

Our videos are powered with Soundslice technology that...

Allows you to slow sections down...

Or loop certain sections and even change between camera angles, PLUS:

PLUS: You're getting accurate tabs, resources along with professionally produced practice tracks...

And that's downright incredible, especially because it means you're getting...

Everything you need to master your worship guitar skills, all in one place...

And THAT gives you the ultimate advantage for true, rapid and lasting worship guitar growth...

Now, you may believe that a Formula that can do all of that and much more, costs a pretty penny...

And sure, that makes perfect sense, as The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit is worth investing in and...

It SHOULD cost more than it does...

After all, The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit has already helped thousands of guitar players...

Achieve massive growth in their playing, faster and easier than ever YET...

I'll get to the reduced price I have for you today in a minute...

First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you...

Unlock the power of the V.A.M.P 4D Practicing Protocol...

That's not all...

You'll learn the secrets of AVOIDING slow progress and...

This ALONE is worth the investment in The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit...

And this product wouldn't be complete without the additional support...

Which is the KEY to LASTING improvement and fun... PLUS:

There's every element of the Worship Guitar Skills Formula is broken down into crystal clear...

Step by step instructions so you have everything you need to master modern worship guitar...

The price of The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit sold by itself is $147 but that price is NOT for you...

I'll explain why in just a moment...

Listen: You're not just getting The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit when you order today...

I have A LOT more for you...

Just for reading this entire article today,

I'd Like To Give You 5 Value-added
Bonuses Free Of Charge...

Just to help you improve your worship guitar skills even faster...

Powerful Practice Sessions Workshop
The 1st bonus gift you'll be receiving today is my Powerful Practice Sessions Workshop...

In this workshop you will learn how to get the most out of your practice sessions...

You'll learn my proven accelerated learning techniques so you can...

Supercharge your playing with intentional and deliberate practice methods...

This bonus is normally valued at $34.95... yours FREE today!

WGS Ebook Bundle
The 2nd bonus gift you'll be receiving today is the Worship Guitar Skills eBook Bundle...

This classic eBook bundle contains 4 power packed ebooks...

The Essential Chord Guide - Never Be Stuck On a Particular Chord Again. Upgrade Your Chord Vocabulary Today...

The Ultimate Scale Guide - Master All Your Scales Across The Whole Fretboard with This Incredible Guide...

Essential Strumming Patterns - Improve Your Rhythm Guitar Playing Fast with this Easy To Follow Ebook...

Killer Chords - Learn Amazing Chord Voicings that are Super Easy To Play and will Turn Heads Whenever You Use Them...

This action packed ebook bundle is normally valued at $47... yours FREE today!

Moving from Acoustic to Electric Workshop
The 3rd bonus gift you'll be receiving today is The Moving from Acoustic to Electric Workshop...

So many players are having to make the shift from acoustic to electric and...

Most get less than stellar results because they're doing it wrong...

In this workshop you will discover the 10 things you must do differently in order to...

Get a great sound on the electric. These are simple and tiny tweaks that lead to massive results!

This workshop is normally valued at $24.95... yours FREE today!

Ambient Guitar Workshop
The 4th bonus gift you'll be receiving today is my Ambient Guitar Workshop...

In this workshop you'll discover how to get that classic ambient tone...

You'll also discover the right way to use the tone along with ambient ready voicings...

This workshop is normally valued at $24.95... yours FREE today!

How To Play Lead Guitar In Worship Workshop
The 5th bonus gift you'll be receiving today is the How To Play Lead Guitar In Worship Workshop...

If you want to learn how to play lead guitar in worship then this workshop is perfect for you...

You'll Discover How To Compose Your Own Lead Guitar Hooks and How To Solo With Passion, Power and Precision...

This customer favorite workshop is normally valued at $47... yours FREE today!

Now you can see why The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit is valued at $147...

Even without all those bonuses, it's a steal at that price...

And, if you bought the bonuses along with The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit, your cost would be $325.85...

However, I have a good reason that I'll share with you shortly for making you a far better deal, so keep reading...

I'll Share Why I'm Slashing
The Price For A Limited Time...

Of course, you could choose to continue down the path you're on right now...

And end up spending 10, 20, even 100 times more than the small investment you'll make today...

In The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit by wasting time practicing the wrong things or wasting tons of money on overpriced gear...

Then there's all the wasted time and effort trying to hunt down the lessons you need on YouTube...

And let's not EVEN talk about the lack of results and progress from your frustrated efforts...

And that's not what I want for you...

Let's Just Make This An Easy Decision
For You Today, Okay?

I feel you deserve to know why I'm offering you such a massive discount today...

Let me share my vision with you...

It's a cause I'm inviting you to join today, along with the thousands of others who are ready to...

Step into the fullness and the impact that your guitar playing gifts and talents have to offer...

And dare I say: CHANGE the world...

Let me explain...

Recently I was inspired to start a movement...

That would quite literally change the atmosphere and change the world by releasing the sound of heaven here on earth...

And that means...

Guitarists all over the world releasing their unique sound of worship...

Playing with confidence, creativity and total command on their guitars...

Can you picture it with me?

Powerful moments of worship created where people can have intimate...

And life changing experiences and encounters with God...

So they too can step into the fullness of their God given design and destinies...

I decided I absolutely NEED to let as many folks like you join in on this cause... one I call...

The Psalm 33:3 Movement - "Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts..."

Imagine tens of thousands of guitar players across the world...

Powerfully playing with anointing and skill on their instruments...

The Good News?

The fact I desire a massive movement to help to raise guitar players across the world...

Who can powerfully play with passion, skill and anointing, means I can't let finances stand in YOUR way today...

That means you will not be paying the retail value of $325.85 for The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit today...

Not. Even. Close...

Cut that price in half...

And you're STILL not close!...

As ridiculous as it sounds, you won't even pay $97 today!...

Your total investment today, including The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit...

PLUS all the bonuses you now see on the screen is NOW:

Just 1 Payment of Only $47...

Simply click the "YES! Add To Cart" button below, to lock in your discounted price today for only $47...

That's over 85% Off!

Listen: Don't decide right now...

Take Advantage of my Famous
Unconditional "Triple Guarantee"

I want you to try The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit ON ME for a full 90 Days...

If you do not see a massive improvement in your worship guitar skills...


If you do not find our lessons to be top-notch and to your complete satisfaction...


Even if you don't like my accent... or my radical enthusiasm... no worries!

I'll refund every penny you invested today...

And forget about hassles - I'll happily refund every penny...

And forget about hassles - I'll happily refund every penny...

Because I am committed to producing results for you, no matter what!

Click on the "YES! Add To Cart" button below and lock in your discounted price today!

What Others Are Saying:

Just have a look at what some students have said about our training...

"The approach you have to teaching is perfectly suited to guitarists seeking to build themselves as worshippers with their electric guitar." Prince James

"Thanks Charl. Never understood that before but that was great, real light bulb moment. Loving all the tutorials, so helpful. Thanks again and bless you as you serve the churches guitarists." Dave

"Anointed To Teach" - Philip

"Thanks so much Charl. Its blowing my mind" - Robbie Hift

Let's Just Make This An Easy Decision
For You Today, Okay?

Super Bonus!
I'm going to include this Forum Access Super Bonus worth $99... absolutely FREE...

This brings your total VALUE today to well over $400... and that price is a STEAL...

By acting today, only on this page...

You will get it the entire Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit PLUS...

All the bonuses I covered earlier worth $178.85... PLUS...

The "Super Bonus" of the WGS Academy Forum Access worth $99 for...

A measly one time investment of just $47!

Now Remember: You're not JUST getting an incredible discount today...

You'll be joining in The Psalm 33:3 Cause Today to release the sound of heaven with skill and anointing here on earth...

Plus, you'll join the ever-growing Worship Guitar Skills family...

Not to mention the fact you'll make a whole new group of worship guitar playing friends...

That will help you progress, stay inspired, and have more fun along the road to success!

Click on the button that says "Yes! Add To Cart" and lock in your heavily discounted price today...

You'll be granted immediate access to everything: The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit, and all the bonuses... AND:

This includes WGS Academy Forum Access, which again has a retail value of $99 by itself...

After you click the "Yes! Add To Cart" order button below, here's EXACTLY what you can expect...

First, you'll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page...

After you enter your regular information, you will be shown ways to customize your order... AND:

Even have the opportunity to pick up some valuable "quick-start" bonus materials...

Finally, you'll arrive at our secure member's area...

It's that simple!

Just remember: Life is short, and you've been struggling with your worship guitar skills far too long...

And the pain of continuing without taking action will only lead to more despair, more disappointment... AND:

Continued stunted efforts by remaining in a ruthless rut of frustration... YET:

Simply by choosing to take action today, and dive into my easy to follow...

The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit,
Everything Will Change For The Better...

Imagine right now, how it will feel the moment you KNOW you've finally found...

Your answer to skillfully and confidently playing modern worship guitar...

You are brimming with excitement...

You are bursting with confidence...

Turning heads as you release YOUR sound...

You are FREE... at peace, knowing you are right on target as you achieve your guitar playing goals...

You are experiencing the fun and freedom you desire and deserve - at long last!

You're right... it's true that your lack of results and stunted growth isn't fully your fault... and now you know why...

Yes, you've been told a pack of lies in the past about how to improve your worship guitar skills...

From either crooks or well-intentioned but misinformed folks...

Then there's the bottomless pit of gear acquisition syndrome so many of us have tried, including me...

And to top it all off, there's the false promises that build false hope, and...

Dash your dreams of playing with confidence and creativity against the rocks...

Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility:

To take the action necessary to put an end to the lies, AND...

Begin anew on a REAL worship guitar skills growth plan that SIMPLY WORKS!

Remember, unlike those cheap, gimmick-heavy guitar lesson scams, this is the real deal... and it's 100% GUARANTEED...

Try The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit
For 90 Full Days On Me...

And see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!

Plus, I never leave you hanging... either myself or my Support Team will get back to you quickly...

With any questions you have, so you'll always feel taken care of...

Immediately after you buy today you need to do this...

Login to the WGS Academy and introduce yourself in the Forum...

Then head over to Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit training so you can discover...

The path to fulfillment, fun and freedom... this will ENSURE you get started quickly...

The modern worship focused tutorials helps get you off on the right foot...

So you too can experience the relief and peace knowing that you now have the key to releasing your sound...

Remember: Along with The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit, you'll also be receiving...

  • The Powerful Practice Sessions Workshop...
  • The Worship Guitar Skills eBook Bundle...
  • The Moving from Acoustic to Electric Workshop...
  • The WGS Ambient Guitar Workshop...
  • The How To Play Lead Guitar In Worship Workshop... PLUS:
  • The WGS Forum Access to get additional help and support along the way...

3 Reasons To Act Now

Listen, don't put this off a second longer... let me tell you WHY...

First, remember if you will, that I've lowered the price of The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit by over 85% OFF...

Just to ensure price wasn't a factor...

You just need to realize that I'm going to have to eventually raise the price, as that's only fair...

So act now before that happens!

Also, you don't want to feel left out if my free Super Bonus, of the WGS Members Only Forum Access...

Is no longer available, as it won't be for much longer, at least for free...

And do the ONLY smart thing you can do...

Claim your spot now, along with my limited-time $278.85 discount, and all your free bonuses...

And take the wise, sane, and savvy path to worship guitar playing freedom, starting right now...

CLICK the "YES! Add To Cart" button below right now, and let's get you started today!

Now If You're Still Reading,
I Bet You Have Some Questions...

Here are the most common questions I receive about The Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit, and the answers to help you out...

If you're a beginner then you can bypass years of frustration and confusion...

By learning the essential concepts and techniques the right way from the start...

So, we've got you covered!

If you're like most people with some experience, you've probably hit a plateau in your playing...

The WGS Toolkit will show you how to level up your worship guitar skills... with dedicated lessons so your guitar growth never plateaus...

I realize that money is an issue for some which is why I wanted to make this limited time special offer available to you so you can get a great deal...

Consider this for a moment...

How much time do you typically spend looking for lessons online?

What would it be worth to you to have everything you need, all in one place? you can spend your time PLAYING and IMPROVING rather than searching for lessons...

...or worse, wasting your time with the wrong lessons...

For most people that makes this small investment into this course and my personal help an easy choice...

With dedicated lessons so your guitar growth never plateaus...

Normally, the WGS Toolkit sells for $147...

But you're not going to pay that when you take up the special Limited Time Offer of just one payment of $47...

If you try ordering the WGS Toolkit directly from our website, you're going to see the regular price of $147...

The special price ONLY applies to NEW orders, placed directly on this page...

No coupon code is required...

Simply click the YES! Add To Cart button on this page and get instant access to this heavily discounted special offer...

Just let us know if there is anything that you are stuck on via email support [AT] - and we will get back to you as fast as we can to sort it...

We have never been stumped yet!


When you claim your special "Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit Bundle" offer today...

You have a full 90 days to decide whether or not you want to keep it or return it for a full refund...

Meaning - you get THREE MONTHS to check it out for yourself, 100% risk free...

And if for ANY reason, you decide it's not for you?

Simply contact me or my team for a full, prompt refund...

So to Get Started Today all you have to do is...

Click on the button that says "YES! Add To Cart" and lock in your heavily discounted price today...

You'll be granted immediate access to everything: in the Worship Guitar Skills Toolkit, and all the bonuses... PLUS

This includes the members only forum access, which again has a retail value of $99 by itself Just One Payment of Only $47

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